I've left Red Hoodie Games sitting on the back burner for months now, and honestly have not been doing everything I could for it. I had lost some of the drive, the passion. One of my old college buddies who I used to do research and amateur game development with reached out recently asking for some insight about a game he wanted to work on.
Man, when I get back into believing that writing and producing creative goods and games is possible and remind myself (or in this case, when someone else reminds me) that I can do it, I get real back into it. I've wanted to more this year, I needed a push, and it happened! I think we both inspired each other to do more, and might be the start of some very cool collaborative creations.
I can do better than I have been. I really can. I've published the first official module, Trouble In Turnrock - RHG001. I've made this new and (hopefully) improved website. I've been in contact with my logo designer who sent me some updated versions I could use for merch, and I have the first sample of an actual Red Hoodie Games Red Hoodie on the way. I've made a list of the things I could probably tune up to publish within the next six to twelve months.
I've also been talking to Jack Skoda (my dad) about starting up the Set The Table podcast again, although I want to better define the podcasts mission (and I've got some ideas for more shows too...) and of course the ever present hassle that is scheduling may push this goal back farther yet.
The point is, I'm feeling it again, and I want to make good content. Stay tuned to see what comes of it this year. I'm inspired by Steve Jackson's Daily Illuminator to try to make a blog post every day, but that seems so crazy since that was started only a week after I was born, but I am going to try to build a better system for supporting myself in writing and publishing content.
If you've found this page and read this post, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time, attention, and support.
Game on!